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EN: Italian wedding is a very special event. For me, as for a girl who grew up in Russia, the weddings are another thing, cause they are held in my county in quite differently. In my opinion, the level of the organization, natural beauty and majesty of the villas surpass all expectations here in Italy!

This time Eva, the sister of my husband, got married. One of the most beautiful brides I’ve ever seen) everything about here was in harmony: quite a simple dress made of light “flying” fabric, hair in a bun and a nice, lovely smile. Isn’t it the image of the ideal bride? 😉

Before the wedding ceremony, it is used to receive guests at home: the bride receive them at her home, and the bride at his one (I mean parents homes). Mom of Eva did something incredible: she has created BY HAND a real “white garden”. Over 700 white flowers of … paper! It took more or less six months of hard work in order to make them, but it worth it! The night before the wedding, a garden bloomed with hundreds of white flowers of different varieties)


RU: Итальянская свадьба – это очень особое мероприятие. Для меня, как для девушки, которая выросла в России, где свадьбы проводятся совсем по-другому, здесь каждый раз все в новинку. На мой взгляд, уровень организации, природные красоты и величественность вилл превосходят все возможные ожидания!

На этот раз замуж мы выдавали Еву, сестру моего мужа. Одна из самых красивых невест, которых мне только приходилось видеть) ничего лишнего, достаточно простое платье из летящей ткани, волосы в пучок и милая улыбка. Не это ли образ идеальной невесты? 😉

Перед церемонией венчания, принято принимать гостей дома: жених дома у себя, а невеста у себя (то есть у родителей). Мама Евы сделала нечто невероятное: она ВРУЧНУЮ создала “белый сад”. Больше 700 белых цветов из…бумаги! Не много не мало, на их изготовление ушло полгода кропотливого труда, но это того стоило! В ночь перед свадьбой сад расцвел сотнями белых цветов разного сорта)


IT: Matrimonio italiano è un evento molto speciale. Per me, come per una ragazza che è cresciuta in Russia, i matrimoni sono un’altra cosa, perché li fanno in modo diverso. A mio parere, il livello di organizzazione, la bellezza naturale e la maestosità delle ville superano tutte le aspettative qui in Italia!

Questa volta Eva, la sorella di mio marito, si è sposata. Una delle più belle spose che abbia mai visto) tutto di lei era in armonia: un bel vestito semplice fatto di un tessuto leggero e “volante”, i capelli raccolti e un bel sorriso dolce. Non è per caso l’immagine della sposa ideale? 😉

Prima della cerimonia di nozze, qui si usa ricevere gli ospiti a casa: la sposa li riceve a casa sua, e lo sposo alla sua (intendo dire le case di genitori). Mamma di Eva ha fatto qualcosa di incredibile: ha creato a mano un vero e proprio “giardino bianco”. Oltre 700 fiori bianchi di… carta! Ci sono voluti più o meno sei mesi di duro lavoro per farli, ma ne vale la pena! La notte prima del matrimonio, il giardino è fiorito con centinaia di fiori bianchi di diverse varietà)

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-32


MANGO dress/платье (+similar HERE )

YSL clutch/клатч (+in beige and in gold)

NANDO MUZZI heels/туфли  (similar HERE and HERE )

SWAROVSKI bracelet/браслет

ASOS tiny cross bracelet/тонкий крест-браслет (similar HERE and HERE and HERE)

ZIBA earings/серьги

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-29

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-17

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-16

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-9

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-13

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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-10

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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-3

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-24

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-2

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-23


EN: It was my first time to see the wedding in the church. Of course this has a unique charm, even some kind of magic! Especially the moment when the bride walks arm in arm with her father to the altar in the dim light, and the endless stream of “angels light’ streaming out from the open doors of the church.

RU: На венчании же я была впервые в своей жизни. Конечно в этом есть неповторимый шарм, даже горстка какого-то волшебства! Особенно тот момент, когда невеста идет с отцом под руку к алтарю в полумраке, а из открытых дверей церкви нескончаемым потоком льется свет.

IT: Era la mia prima volta a vedere il matrimonio in chiesa. Naturalmente questo ha un fascino unico, anche una sorta di magia! Soprattutto il momento in cui la sposa va a braccetto con il suo padre verso l’altare nella penombra, e il flusso infinito della “luce di angeli” ‘entra da fuori delle porte aperte della chiesa.


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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-38

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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-60

EN: After the wedding, we all went to the villa, where we had a delicious dinner and a lot of  fun during all the night)

P.s.: such a lovely couple, beautiful wedding, I am very glad to know them, and moreover I’m just happy to be a part of this family. Hooray!


RU: После венчания мы все вместе направились на виллу, где нас ждал ужин, танцы и бесконечное веселье)

П.с.: такая прекрасная пара, красивая свадьба, я очень рада, что их знаю, и просто счастлива быть частью этой семьи. Ура!


IT: Dopo il matrimonio, siamo andati tutti alla villa, dove abbiamo avuto una cena deliziosa e un sacco di divertimento durante tutta la notte)

P.s.: sono una coppia bellissima, hanno creato un bel matrimonio e sono molto contento di conoscerli, ma sopratutto sono felice di far parte di questa famiglia. Evviva!

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-74

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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-89

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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-81

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My parents///Мои родители

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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-131

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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-141

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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style mango red dress nando muzzi heels ziba earings ysl golden metallic clutch wedding villa-148



MANGO dress/платье (+similar HERE )

YSL clutch/клатч (+in beige and in gold)

NANDO MUZZI heels/туфли  (similar HERE and HERE )

SWAROVSKI bracelet/браслет

ASOS tiny cross bracelet/тонкий крест-браслет (similar HERE and HERE and HERE)

ZIBA earings/серьги


Your Darya

21 Responses
  • Emma
    29 . 07 . 2013

    You look beautiful, gorgeous dress!!!! Reminds me of our tradition Romanian wedding 🙂

    xx Emma

    • admin
      30 . 07 . 2013

      really? is it similar? tell me!)

  • Marie Zamboli
    29 . 07 . 2013

    I’m Italian but I don’t really like wedding as celebration 😀 but this is really sweet and full of love so I like it a lot 🙂

  • Natali
    29 . 07 . 2013

    Absolutely stunning, both, you and your sister in law!

  • Maddy
    29 . 07 . 2013

    Such a beautiful dress, I hope you had a great time! x

    Maddy from UNSTITCHEDD 

  • Marina
    29 . 07 . 2013

    Очень эффектное платье!

  • Viktoria
    29 . 07 . 2013

    wow! you look so beautiful!

  • Victoriya Todorova
    29 . 07 . 2013

    This article is so romantic! I’m now full with beautiful feelings and emotions after I have read it. Darya, you are stunning! And that amazing gif at the end is so so touching, lovely!

    FACEBOOK: Fashion with Style

    • admin
      30 . 07 . 2013

      oooh thank you lovely! so happy that you liked it!

  • Saloma
    29 . 07 . 2013

    I’m sorry, darling, but this dress seems so inappropriate for a wedding, especially in church.

    • admin
      29 . 07 . 2013

      I’ve closed the cut in the church, don’t worry)

  • Iren
    29 . 07 . 2013

    Все очень очень красивое, интересно было почитать и посмотреть 🙂

    xoxo Iren

    • admin
      30 . 07 . 2013

      ура! я рада очень)

  • Hayley
    29 . 07 . 2013

    You look beautiful! The ceremony looked amazing aswell! When did you get married?! I dont remember this happening… lol Congrats anyway <3

    Hayley xx

  • junjskaya
    30 . 07 . 2013

    Какая красивая свадьба,как в кино!!!Даша,вам очень идет красное платье!!!

    • admin
      30 . 07 . 2013

      спасибо большое!! я тоже его обожаю)

  • Annette
    30 . 07 . 2013

    Дарья, как же Вам идет красный цвет!!!

  • Татьяна
    31 . 07 . 2013

    Невероятно искренние фотографии. Из этого поста так и струится счастье) Улыбка ни на минуту не сходила, так душевно.

  • Desirèe
    02 . 08 . 2013

    bellissimo matrimonio e bellissima tu <3

  • mary
    14 . 10 . 2013

    beautiful dress!!!

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