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thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-9

You know why do I love Milan so much? Besides the fact that it’s one of the most beautiful cities in the world. Cause once a year an amazing design exhibition FUORI SALONE is held here. It’s such a week, when the whole city turns into one big art object! Wherever you look – you can see designers from all over the world and their fabulous and unusual installations and designs.

Of course it’s quite impossible to wear heels on such kind of event. No, you can try! But you risk to pay with the broken leg or bleeding fingers, cause the distances are long and the roads are often stone paved)

I’m so in love with cobalt (yes, you know it already, may be you are even tired to hear but but I can do nothing with myself). And I’m still in love with the symbiosis of booties and the coat and also with the combination of cobalt and grey.

And… Here you can see “my new star” of the blog – Alexander Wang grey bucket bag! Welcome baby!)

How do you find this outfit? I’m so curious!) 


Знаете за что я люблю Милан? Помимо того, что это один из самых прекрасных городов в мире. За то, что раз в год здесь проводится самая интересная выставка дизайна – FUORI SALONE. Это такая неделя, когда весь город превращается в один сплошной арт объект! Куда ни глянь – дизайнеры со всего мира со своими стэндами, инсталяциями и необычными предметами интерьера.

Конечно же на такое событие не наденешь каблуки. Нет, ну конечно можно рискнуть, но потом придется расплачиваться подвернутыми лодыжками и стертыми в кровь пальцами, потому что расстояния большие, интересного много, а дороги зачастую мощеные)

Я влюблена в кобальт (уже слишком часто твержу, но ничего не могу поделать с этим). А еще влюблена в симбиоз пальто и ботиночек и в сочетание серого и синего. 

Даааа… и в первый раз в блоге появляется моя “новая звезда”))) серая bucket bag от Alexander Wang)

Как вам? Мне очень интересно что вы скажете)


Sapete perché mi piace Milano così tanto? Oltre al fatto che è una delle città più belle del mondo. Perché una volta l’anno un evento sorprendente FUORI SALONE si svolge qui. E ‘una settimana, quando l’intera città si trasforma in un oggetto d’arte enorme! Dovunque guardi – si può vedere i designer nuovi da tutto il mondo e le loro installazioni favolose e insolite.

Naturalmente è quasi impossibile indossare i tacchi in questo tipo di evento. No, si può provare! Ma si rischia di “pagare” con la gamba rotta o le dita sanguinanti, perché le distanze sono lunghe e le strade sono spesso lastricati in pietra)

Sono così innamorata di cobalto (sì, lo sapete già, forse siete già stanchi di sentirlo, ma non posso fare nulla con me stessa). E sono ancora innamorata della simbiosi tra stivaletti e il cappotto e anche della combinazione di cobalto e grigio.
E … Qui potete vedere “la mia nuova stella” del blog – Alexander Wang bucket bag grigia! Benvenuto bimba!)

Come trovate questo vestito? Sono così curiosa!)

1thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-12

Photo by labzona


ASOS coat/пальто (similar HERE and HERE)

ALEXANDER WANG diego bucket bag/сумка

SHEINSIDE pants/брюки

CHOIES booties

ZARA sweater/свитер (similar HERE and HERE )

GIANT VINTAGE sunnies/очки

COOEE earings/серьги


thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-57

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-39

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-64

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-10

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-32

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-7

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-62

1thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-59

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-15

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-29

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-25

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-34

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-18

1thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-53

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-20

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-42

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-51

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-44

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-66

thecablook fashion blog darya kamalova street style alexander wang diego bucket grey bag asos cobalt coat sheinside barocco pants zara silver sweater cooee earings scull scarf choies booties giant vintage sunies-26


ASOS coat/пальто (similar HERE and HERE)

ALEXANDER WANG diego bucket bag/сумка

SHEINSIDE pants/брюки

CHOIES booties

ZARA sweater/свитер (similar HERE and HERE )

GIANT VINTAGE sunnies/очки

COOEE earings/серьги



Your Darya


13 Responses
  • Irenita558
    13 . 04 . 2013

    Great outfit, and I’m sure those booties are comfortable! I love cobalt blue too <3


  • Irenita558
    13 . 04 . 2013

    Great outfit, and I’m sure those booties are comfortable! I love cobalt blue too <3


  • Natali
    14 . 04 . 2013

    Fabulous pants and bag!

  • Надежда
    14 . 04 . 2013

    Даша, здравствуйте! А сделайте, пожалуйста, пост об увиденных Вами арт-объектах для тех , кому не посчастливилось оказаться в Милане – у вас потрясающий вкус и, как мне кажется, вы смогли как раз уловить и показать самое интересное. Заранее спасибо!

  • carol
    14 . 04 . 2013

    this electric blue suits you a lot babe 🙂
    have a great day!

  • Olya
    14 . 04 . 2013

    Влюблена в ваше пальто, у меня такое же бежевое)

  • Guy Overboard
    14 . 04 . 2013

    Super outfit!

  • Kristina Kemešić
    14 . 04 . 2013

    Great outfit! I’m absolutely in love with cobalt blue 🙂

  • Arianna Gallo
    14 . 04 . 2013

    Adoro il mix Darya! Sei incredibilmente perfetta in ogni tuo outfit!


  • Liza
    15 . 04 . 2013

    Nice, nice, i Love it:-)
    When I saw your earring, I thank this is a hungarian one, but just similar. See these, very nice and unique!
    You should get one;-)

  • Anna
    15 . 04 . 2013

    Даша, какой красивый образ! Цвет просто вау! Тебе очень идет 🙂

  • Lilo
    18 . 04 . 2013

    Ну что сказать..красота…тем более кобальт Вам очень идёт…Сумка предел мечтаний любой модницы)))

  • Evgenyia Davydova
    25 . 04 . 2013

    Darya, You’re perfection!!!!

    Даша, ВЫ обворожительны и совершенны!
    Я помню еще осенью вы прикупили это пальто, спасибо за наводку: у меня такое же красно-оранжевое. Фееричное пальто и крой!

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