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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-22 copy

EN: Oh, that’s my “girlish memory”))

As we were going home from Rome (I was there for the Red Carpet of Disney’s new movie, stay tuned and check out my instagram (@thecablook to see the pics) in train, I was looking through the pictures on my hard drive and I found a lot of forgotten posts, interesting and not shown pics)

So, I wanna start with a wonderful event organised by Disaronno and Moschino in Hotel Principe di Savoia in Milan in honour to the release of a limited edition of bottles of liquor with the design of the famous brand.

Easy dj-set, virtuoso bartenders, incredibly delicious cocktails and nice stylish people around. What else do you need for the perfect party? 😉

P.s.: oh, how long these booties were waiting the “right party” )) +I want to admit that I still love the combination of fuchsia and light green (in moderated dozes). Heh, the lessons of “colour combinations” at the university have the result and all the sleepless nights of drawing small squares in different colours have become useful for me in the end))) (who studied design will certainly understand me 😉


RU: Ох уж эта моя “девичья память”)) 

Пока мы ехали из Рима домой, я перебирала фотографии на жестком диске и нашла очень много всего забытого, интересного и не показанного)
Итак, начать хочется с замечательного ивэнта, организованного Moschino и Disaronno в Милане в отеле Principe di Savoia в честь выпуска лимитированной серии бутылок ликера с дизайном именитого брэнда.
Легкий dj-set, виртуозные бармены, невероятно вкусные коктейли и приятная публика. Что еще нужно для идеальной вечеринки? 😉
П.с.: ох, как давно эти ботильоны ждали своего коронного выхода в свет)) а еще я обожаю сочетания фуксии и салатового (в умеренных количествах), уроки колористики в университете дают о себе знать, не зря мы днями и ночами делали “выкраски” на маленьких квадратиках))) (кто учился на дизайне, тот обязательно меня поймет 😉


IT: Oh , questa mia “memoria da ragazzina “))

Mentre stavamo andando a casa da Roma (ero lì per il Tappeto Rosso del nuovo film di Disney, controllate il mio profilo Instagram (@thecablook) per vedere le foto) in treno , stavo controllando le foto sul mio hard disk e ho trovato un sacco di post dimenticati, le foto interessante e non mostrate mai)

Quindi, voglio iniziare con un meraviglioso evento organizzato nel Hotel Principe di Savoia a Milano in onore al rilascio di una edizione limitata di bottiglie di liquore Disaronno con il design del famoso marchio Moschino.

Dj-set leggero, baristi virtuosi, incredibilmente deliziosi cocktail e bella gente intorno. Che altro serve per la festa perfetta? 😉

P.s.: oh, quanto tempo questi stivaletti stavano aspettando la “festa giusta”)) +I voglio ammettere che amo ancora la combinazione di fucsia e verde chiaro (in sonnecchia moderata) . Eh,  adesso vedo che le lezioni di “combinazioni di colori ” al’università hanno il risultato e tutte le notti insonni dipingendo le piccole piazze in diversi colori sono diventati utili per me alla fine))) (chi ha studiato Design mi capirà 😉

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-9 copy

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-18 copy

photo by my mini-love Multy


ASOS coat (similar white coat)

DVF clutch

ZARA skirt (really the same pu leather skirt)

ASOS top

ASOS booties


thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-15 copy

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-6 copy

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-8 copy

With my lovely Kristina Bazan

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-3 copy

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_ copy


thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-5 copy

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-20 copy


thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-10 copy

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-24 copy

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-11 copy

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-23 copy

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style outfit short hair blogger zara midi pencil leather skirt asos flower top lace up booties dvf diane von furstenberg round fucsia clutch principe di savoia milan disaronno moschino event pixie_-12 copy

photo by my mini-love Multy


ASOS coat (similar white coat)

DVF clutch

ZARA skirt (really the same pu leather skirt)

ASOS top

ASOS booties



Your Darya

16 Responses
  • Katarina
    09 . 02 . 2014

    You look fab!! Didn’t know you are so tall! How tall are you?

    Kisses from Slovenia,

  • chucky1012
    09 . 02 . 2014

    Great pictures and wow your a real model.
    What a chique look you wear 😉
    The event looks nice.


  • Любовь
    09 . 02 . 2014

    классный образ!ждала фото с этой обувью!

  • Irene
    09 . 02 . 2014

    Hi my lovely Darya! to be honest the heels are not my style but they’re so original and u look sexy :). So Kristina Bazan is seated, but I guess she’s not as tall as you, is she?

    Great party! xoxo

  • Patricia
    10 . 02 . 2014

    WOW! Lovely photos in a beatiful place :))

  • Кристина
    10 . 02 . 2014

    Ого, Кристина Базан такая маленькая????

    • admin
      10 . 02 . 2014

      привет! нет) я уже отвечала выше) она присела на подлокотник кресла, а я стою рядом)

  • Fashion Party blog
    10 . 02 . 2014

    Those shoes are ah-mazing!! So cool 🙂 and you and Kristina look so beautiful!

  • m90
    10 . 02 . 2014


  • Elisa
    10 . 02 . 2014

    Spettacolare il tuo look, meraviglioso l’evento!

    Buon inizio di settimana
    My Fantabulous World

  • junjskaya
    10 . 02 . 2014

    Даша,очень красиво!!!спасибо за фоторассказ,будто сама там побывала!!!

  • Дарья Т.
    10 . 02 . 2014

    Вы действительно великолепно чувствуете цвета. А ваши яркие губы всегда будто напоминают о прикосновении кисти художника)

  • Anna
    12 . 02 . 2014

    Даша, выглядишь потрясающе! Всегда восхищалась твоим умением комбинировать цвета в образах, уроки колористики точно прошли не зря 🙂

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