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thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-20

EN: That’s the last post-in-pics about my mini-trip to Monterosso)

We swam “to the buoys and back”, we were trying to catch the warm currents with our feet. In the afternoon we were eating the fresh focaccia with pesto from the nearest bakery and fresh seafood in the evening listening to the songs of the surf. We were walking on the sand under the stars, were drinking flavored cappuccino in the morning looking at the turquoise clear water and still empty beach… We breathed this summer, lived this summer. We fell in love with these “gingerbread streets” of this small town.

But no matter how I wanted to stay, we had to go home to accompany my parents and to fix a lot of accumulated things-to-do.

Frankly, Monterosso is the exact place where you want to stay forever. They say that there are places where your heart lives. I have a few numbers of such places. And of course one of them is Monterosso.


RU: Вот и подошел к концу мой мини-трип в картинках по Монтероссо) 

Мы плавали “до буйков и обратно”, ловили ногами теплые течения, в обед покупали свежую фокаччу с песто в ближайшей пекарне, ужинали свежими морепродуктами под песни прибоя, гуляли по песку под звездами, по утрам пили ароматный каппучино, глядя на бирюзовую прозрачную воду и все еще пустующий пляж… Мы дышали летом и влюблялись в пряничные улочки этого маленького городка. 

Но как бы ни хотелось остаться, нужно было уезжать домой, провожать родителей и заниматься накопившимися делами.

Честно говоря, Монтероссо это именно такое место, где хочется остаться. Говорят же, что есть места, где живет твое сердце. У меня таких мест несколько. И одно из них, безусловно, Монтероссо.


IT: Questo è l’ultimo post-in-pics del mio mini-viaggio a Monterosso)

Abbiamo nuotato “alle boe e indietro”, abbiamo cercato di catturare le correnti calde con i nostri piedi. Nel pomeriggio mangiavamo le fresche focacce con pesto dal fornaio li vicino e la sera pesce fresco, ascoltando le canzoni della risacca. Stavamo camminando sulla sabbia sotto le stelle, la mattina bevevamo cappuccino guardando l’acqua trasparente di color turchese e la spiaggia ancora vuota… Abbiamo respirato questa estate, abbiamo vissuto questa estate. Ci siamo innamorati delle viettine di questa piccola città.

Ma non importa quanto volevo stare li, dovevamo tornare a casa per accompagnare i miei genitori e per fissare un sacco di cose accumulate da tanto tempo.

Francamente, Monterosso è il luogo in cui si desidera di rimanere per sempre. Dicono che ci sono dei posti dove abita il tuo cuore. Ho un paio di tali luoghi. E fuori dubbio uno di loro è Monterosso.

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-37

Photo by labzona


JUICY COUTURE clutch/клатч

ZARA shorts/шорты (similar HERE, HERE and HERE )

ASOS heels/туфли

ASOS sunnies/очки

CHICWISH shirt/рубашка

BACKSTAGE ring/кольцо

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-10

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-32

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-29

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-3

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-17

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-5

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-25

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-14

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-28

thecablook darya kamalova fashion blog street style monterosso al mare cinqueterre liguria chicwish shirt zara shorts pale rose asos sunnies juicy couture clutch-41


JUICY COUTURE clutch/клатч

ZARA shorts/шорты (similar HERE, HERE and HERE )

ASOS heels/туфли

ASOS sunnies/очки

CHICWISH shirt/рубашка

BACKSTAGE ring/кольцо


Your Darya

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